Ketenaran Jack Ma belakangan ini baik keberhasilan usaha maupun prinsip hidupnya yang menginspirasi banyak orang diberbagai penjuru dunia, menarik minat orang mengutip petuah hidupnya yang berharga maupun menganalisis kecocokan BA ZI nya (analisis tren kehidupan berdasarkan tahun, bulan, tanggal dan jam).
Berikut penulis kutip sebuah analisis yang ditulis dengan sangat bagus tentang BA ZI Jack Ma sesuai blognya dalam bahasa Inggris.
Hanya kelemahannya, sang penulis kurang menguasai dengan baik prinsip-prinsip autentik Zi Ping, sehingga lebih terkesan banyak cocoklogi nya.…/14/jackmabazianaly…/
Jack Ma, one of the richest businessman in the world. Founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group. He will be the prime focus for today’s topic. I will be analyzing his Bazi using the three categories stated below.
They are
1. Characteristics and Capabilities Analysis
– Characteristics are attributes and Capabilities are potential of an individual.
2. Life Aspects
– Life aspects are Wealth, Health, Relationship, Marriage, Study, Career and so forth.
3. Forecast Occurrences
– Forecast Occurrences are actual matters of life aspects happening in our daily lives. In general, interactions of Ten-year luck, Annual Luck, Month Luck and Daily luck cycles.
There are two birth dates found online. I will explain the first Natal chart following the second one below, to reduce confusion.
The First source stated that Jack Ma was born on 10 Sept 1964, Ox (丑) hour.
Image retrieved from Bazi mastery academy website (Joey Yap, 2017).
Born in the Rooster month, strong direct resource supported by Ox, Dog, and Dragon Earth Officer & 7 Killings elements. Heavenly stem having Xin (辛) metal producing and Gui (癸) water supporting him. Hence, he is considered as Strong Day Master.
1. Characteristics and Capabilities Analysis
The beauty of this natal chart will be Jia (甲) wood Output element. Two important factors which constitute his success today. Output element attributes are Great Strategists, Perfectionists, Charismatic, Communicators, Philosophical and etc.
1st factor, the flow of energy move from left to right with no confliction (Xin (辛) Metal -> Gui (癸) Water -> Jia (甲) Wood). Jia wood represents a Tree, Gui Water represents Rainwater. In nature, trees need rainwater to grow healthier instead of Ren (壬) sea/ocean water. Therefore, heavenly stems position and elements are strategic.
2nd factor, Jia (甲) wood is seated on Dragon Chen (辰). Chen (辰) is the end of the spring season combination. Although, Chen (辰) is not the root for Jia (甲) wood, Gui (癸) water and Yi (乙) wood produce and support it.
Having these two factors, Wood is strong while Jack Ma was born in the Rooster month. Furthermore, Wood is the powerful useful god which transform his ideas into who he is today. A billionaire who helps millions of small businesses to sell their products online.
2. Life Aspects
In reality, which is more important? Output or Wealth element?
Both are equally important. There are three kinds of charts.
1. A natal chart has output element but without wealth element.
2. A natal chart with wealth element but no output element.
3. A natal chart does not have both output and wealth element.
Jack Ma falls into the 1st category, having the ability to generate wealth through his ideas, innovation, and creativity.
You may imagine output as a money printing machine, consistently producing an outcome. What if, someone falls into the second and third categories? What are the differences? What are the solutions? I will leave this questions to everyone to participate.
Jia (甲) wood appeared in his Age 09 -18 luck cycle. Strong analytical motivation.
Yi (乙) wood appeared in his Age 19-28 luck cycle. Planning and strategizing, put his innovations into actions, starting up his business.
Bing (丙) fire finally appeared. Wealth starts looking for him, his businesses become stronger and popular. Expanding rapidly in China and helping small businesses to sell products online.
Ding (丁) fire wealth element empowers his output abilities. His businesses expanded globally and equipped with strong competitive advantages against other powerful e-commerce websites.
Jack Ma’s Earthly Branches are mostly Earth element, which represents his Officer and 7 Killing element. This current luck cycle Wu (戊) earth took over the stem authority. 7 killing heavenly stem is rooted in the Year and Day earthly branches, strengthening its positivity. Plus Jia (甲) wood is controlling Wu (戊) earth, maximising its abilities.
Therefore, Jack Ma was ranked and awarded high recognition and achievements once the luck pillar kicks in. Alibaba was listed in 2014 when he was 50 years old.
3. Forecast Occurrences
What: China Central Television and its viewers selected Ma as one of the “Top 10 Business Leaders of the Year”
When: 2004 Wood Monkey (甲申) Year
How: Jia (甲) wood output element produce Ding (丁) fire wealth. In Chinese, 食神生财 according to Bazi terms.
What: Time magazine selected Ma as one of the world’s 100 most powerful people.
When: 2009 Earth Ox (己丑) Year
How: Ding (丁) fire Wealth element produces Ji (己) earth Officer element, Wealth empowers status and recognition. In Chinese, 正财生正官 according to Bazi terms.
What: He was ranked as the 30th most powerful person in the world in an annual ranking published by Forbes
When: 2014 Wood Horse (甲午) Year
How: Wu (戊) 7 Killing got rooted, controlled by Jia (甲) output. Reputation and recognition were given to him. In Chinese, 食神制杀,官位为我所用 according to Bazi terms.
What: Fortune ranked Ma second on its World’s 50 Greatest Leaders list
When: 2017 Fire Rooster (丁酉) Year
How: Wu (戊) earth 7 Killing got rooted, produced by Ding (丁) fire wealth. Wealth empowering Status and Power. In Chinese, 正财生七杀 according to Bazi terms.
Penulis blog selanjutnya disebut Mr DracoLin menyimpulkan TABEL BA ZI ini termasuk diri KUAT. Maka KAYU adalah elemen penolong, api adalah elemen disukai.
Tidak disimpulkan tanah elemen disukai atau tidak.
Berdasarkan teori Zi Ping menentukan kuat lemah penguasa diri: Air positif (壬-Ren) lahir di bulan September atau musim gugur; lahir di musim. Cabang bumi terdapat sukses kombinasi logam naga/辰/Chen dengan ayam/酉/You; lahir berakar.
Batang langit terdapat dua elemen kawan (癸/Gui/air negatif + 辛/Xin/logam negatif) lawan 1 elemen lawan (甲/Jia/kayu positif), kesimpulan diri KUAT.
1. Sependapat dengan Mr DracoLin. Elemen penolong adalah (甲/Jia/kayu positif).
2. Juga benar elemen penolong 甲/Jia/kayu positif, Qi nya cukup mulus, saling menghidupkan dari 辛/Xin/logam negatif ke 癸/Gui/air negatif – ke 甲/Jia/kayu positif secara terbalik (contra flow), namun hanya menjadikan sedikit kuat, karena tidak didukung oleh cabang bumi (karena akar naga/辰/Chen sudah kehilangan kekuatannya akibat kombinasi keluar ayam/酉/You), yang sebaliknya justru melemahkan elemen 甲/Jia/kayu positif.
Karenanya kondisi ini tidak menjadikan Jack Ma seorang yang sangat pintar dan visioner.
3. Syarat untuk menjadi orang sangat kaya/super kaya adalah adanya elemen harta yang kuat.
Tabel diatas hanya elemen sekunder api negatif dalam cabang bumi 戌/Xu/anjing, terhitung tidak memenuhi syarat.
4. Dilihat dari periode keberuntungan, mulai buka usaha Alibaba tahun 1999 di periode 丙子 tahun 1993 – 2003, juga kurang mendukung 100%; memang elemen harta 丙/Bing/api positif muncul, tetapi habis dirampok menjadi sukses kombinasi perampas harta/劫財/Jie Cai.
Harusnya periode ini terjadi kerugian keuangan yang besar atau dapat keberuntungan besar juga mengalami kerugian besar, meski tahun己卯/Ji Mao di tahun1999 adalah baik, tetapi masuk tahun 2000, 2001 dan 2002 adalah tahun sumber dan teman/perampas harta yang buruk.
Kondisi ini tidak mencerminkan keberhasilan membangun usaha Alibaba.
5. Aspek analisis periode keberuntungan lainnya dari periode pertama sampai periode 2013-2022 sekarang ini tidak penulis bahas, silahkan anda lanjutkan analisisnya.
6. Kesimpulannya: Tabel Ba Zi kelahiran 10 September 1964 jam 01.00, tidak mencerminkan kehidupan seorang super kaya;
Mr DracoLin meskipun cukup pintar, tidak tegas memastikan ketidakcocokan tanggal lahir ini, tetapi berusaha membuat analisis yang mencocok-cocokkan dengan kondisi sesungguhnya.
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